Informations de contact

    Introgen Abultreso

    Art Family Apartment was founded in 2012 by the passion of its founder James Sherwood, who, thanks to his origins and his Florentine culture, his guests, in collaboration with his staff, with the sense of kind hospitality and joviality; traditions that have distinguished Florence since of the Medici. Our services also include: airport or station pick-up, guided tours by the City of Florence for Museums.

    The Stoni has 60 apartments selected with care and taste, located from the city center to the hills, able to accommodate 2 to 8 guests, to meet the various needs of customers who are addressed all the attention by providing the information: on the city, on the places of interest cutural, on events, on typical places to eat and anything else you need.

    Web Genius Lab
    April 19, 2019
    Project Type:
    James Sherwood

    Construction Project

    A project is a series of related a tasks which when they are carried in the correct order will lead to the completion of the project. Projects are temporary, generally resulting in the creation of a tangible product or outcome. This is as opposed to a programme, which is a series of interrelated projects that may be carried out repeatedly or continuously in order to support an ongoing process.

    There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this
    world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed

    james jackson

    The project process typically starts with an overarching requirement which is developed through the creation of a brief, feasibility studies, option studies, design, financing and construction. That is, a project team, brief and financing are put together to produce a unique design.

    Best Benefits of Project

    Creative and Idea

    Creative and Idea

    We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually

    Planing and Concept

    Planing and Concept

    We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually



    We create stylish and comfortable interior design. Any project of studio is made individually

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